Hospital das Clínicas
Primeira Instituição no Brasil Acreditada - Carf

Congressos da área

— Confira a agenda de congressos e eventos na área de Medicina Física e Reabilitação.

Confira aqui os links para os principais eventos de 2024. As informações e inscrições são de responsabilidade dos organizadores.

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figura 1

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to send you the following information regarding the repetition of the online course “ICF-StARS” in the spring semester of 2024. The course has been developed by Swiss Paraplegic Research and the University of Lucerne and is freely available (at no cost for participating) under:

Course objective:
The course provides the basics for understanding functioning and its reporting in a standardized manner by using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF).

Target group:
The course is aimed at interested people who work with functioning data (assessment and reporting), including healthcare professionals, researchers, students, quality managers and other professionals in the health system.

When: April 8th – May 12th, 2024 (online)
Mode: Self-study with flexible attendance
Workload: 30 hours in total (equivalent to 1 ECTS)
Language: English

Please sign in via the official website. People without Swiss university credentials have to create a Switch edu-ID before they can enrol in the course:

Funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation within the framework of the National Research Programme 74 “Smarter Health Care”, the course introduces the concept of functioning and its importance in the health system. Moreover, it gives an overview of Standardized Assessment and Reporting Systems for functioning information (StARS) based on the ICF. The course includes the introduction of a set of standards, tools and methods to assess and report information on functioning as well as the presentation of exemplary applications in practice and research.

Thank you very much for considering our course to be communicated via the ISCoS network. If you have any questions about the course, feel free to contact us at [email protected]

Yours sincerely,
Gerold Stucki and Birgit Prodinger
NRP 74 StARS Project Team

Faça sua inscrição aqui

2 – XXIV Congresso de Medicina Física Reabilitação

Data: 12 a 14 de abril de 2024
Horário da programação: 8h – 19h
Local do Congresso: Centro de Convenções Rebouças
Endereço: Av. Dr. Eneas Carvalho de Aguiar, 23

3 – Trauma Techology & Timing

4- The 63rd International Spinal Cord Society Annual Scientific Meeting (ISCoS 2024)

Will take place in Antwerp, Belgium from Sunday, 22nd September until 25th September 2024.

5 – Physiotherapy Conference 2024, London, UK

Inovine Meetings LLC cordially invites you to the “10th International Conference on Physiotherapy, Physical Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine” which is going to be conducted as a Hybrid Event in London, UK and Virtually during May 20-21, 2024.

The summit will highlight the theme “Scientific perspectives for a better living and longer life”

The planning sessions and the theme based symposia will be addressed by an outstanding list of international and national faculties, An interaction workshop has been planned that will address on diagnostic & therapeutic procedures in a variety of clinical settings for physical therapy.

Physiotherapy Congress 2024 anticipates participants around the globe with thought provoking Keynote lectures, Oral and Poster presentations. This is an excellent opportunity for the delegates from Universities and Institutes to interact with the world class Scientists. The intending participants can confirm their participation by registering for the conference along with your colleagues. Avail the delegate early bird offer. The conference is a an attempt to bridge the lacunae with eminent speakers in the field of physical therapy focusing on certain key areas in hospital base, therapeutic physical therapy management.

The organizing committee is confident that we will gain academically, and build relationship with others in this field as well as have a good time.

For further information, please contact conference Organizer Mr.Kevin brown : [email protected] Phone: +1-408-648-2233

Whats App at: +1(442)-444-1812

Upcoming Conferences: Physiotherapy Conferences 2024 | Physiotherapy World Conference | Physiotherapy Conferences | Physiotherapy Conference | Physiotherapy Conference 2024 | Physiotherapy Congress | Sports medicine 2024 events

Physiotherapy World Conference 2024
Organizing Committee

6 – 10Th World Congress en Physiotherapy, Physical Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine

Inovine Conferences (Scientific Meetings) is a pioneer and scientific event organizer to determine the public health issues and their solutions which the world is facing now in many different disciplines or dealing with in many parts of the world, conferences n seminars related to medical ethics, health, medicine and biotechnology play a vital role.

Inovine Scientific Meetings 2023-2024 will enhance the cornucopia of knowledge of all the participants in different fields and will be a mélange of eminent speakers, industry professionals, social activist, students etc. Discussing on various imperative topics will add an insight to ponder and confer over crux of today’s scientific and technological perk up. Our conferences are scientific rostrums to unveil the novel developments and to cogitate, and conflate ideas and realities through practical experiences

Inovine Conferences is to provide an opportunity for leading academicians, scientists, researchers, doctors, medical practitioners, nurses and various industry professionals from around the world to network and have scientific discussion on the latest advancements in the closely interlinked domains in science, medicine and health and it’s research benefits for each other’s domain progress.

All the Conferences, Meetings, Workshops, Courses and Webinars conducted by Inovine Conferences are accredited with Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

You can join this meeting from your own home or work place and attend sessions featuring world experts. Access the latest scientific thinking in your specialty via the on-demand content and learn from hundreds of abstract platform and Poster/Oral/Eposter presentations.

Join the profession’s leading global meeting online; where the world academicians, scientists, researchers, doctors, medical practitioners, nurses and various industry professionals from around the world

Inovine is proficient in organizing conferences, meetings, seminars and workshops with the ingenious and peerless speakers throughout the world providing you and your organization with a broad range of networking opportunities to globalize your research and create your own identity.

Participation from 170 different countries and 2500+ Universities/Industries/Labs have contributed to the success of the Inovine Conferences.

10th World Physiotherapy Congress 2024 | Rehabilitation Conferences 2024 | Sports Medicine Conferences 2024 | London | UK | USA | Europe | 2024 | Scientific Meetings | Global Physiotherpay Events (

7 – V Congresso Brasileiro de Fisioterapia Aquática 2024

É com muita satisfação que iniciamos as inscrições deste evento que promete ser um dos maiores congressos da história da Fisioterapia Aquática do Brasil!!  

O evento contará com cursos pré-congresso (no dia 01 de maio de 2023) de altíssimos níveis, com apresentações de palestras e mesas redondas com as maiores referências da Fisioterapia Aquática Brasileira. Serão realizadas discussões de temas de extrema importância na área. Todos os temas serão abordados agregando informações baseadas em evidências científicas atuais e rotinas de atendimentos de profissionais extremamente experientes e competentes.   

O evento será realizado pela primeira vez na região Centro-Oeste, na cidade de Brasília, capital do Brasil. A cidade que respira política é, também, uma região que contempla todos os estados do país em um mesmo lugar, uma miscelânea de culturas que faz da Capital um lugar especial e único. É com esse espírito de compartilhamento de diversidades que convidamos todos a participarem deste momento ímpar para nossa Especialidade.  

Será um prazer recebê-los em nossa Capital!! Sejam muito bem vindos!  

Comissão Organizadora do V Congresso Brasileiro de Fisioterapia Aquática da ABFA.

Informações: Home | CBFA 2024 (

8- XXV Congresso Brasileiro de Fisioterapia – COBRAF

A inscrição no XXV COBRAF garantem ao participante acesso às atividades da programação científica do evento, acesso a área de exposição, certificado de participação e recebimento do material do participante.

Não está incluso no valor da inscrição as despesas pessoais como hospedagens, passagens, refeições e deslocamentos ou quaisquer outra relacionadas a participação do congressista.

Toda e qualquer comunicação a ser feita com a organização do evento deverá ser feita pelo e-mail oficial do congresso: [email protected]. Sendo desconsideradas as mensagens feitas por qualquer outro canal de comunicação.

Informações: XV COBRAF – Congresso de Fisioterapia

9 – 14º Congresso Internacional de Fisioterapia

O 14º Congresso Internacional de Fisioterapia, promovido pela Sociedade Brasileira de Fisioterapia – SBF, será em Salvador -Bahia.

Sob a presidência de Dr. Fábio Arcanjo pretendemos realizar a maior edição de todos os tempos em 2024 e já sabemos que serão dias de muita troca de conteúdo e network em todas as especialidades da Fisioterapia.
Esperamos você aqui.
Comissão Organizadora 14CIF.

Informações: 14° Congresso Internacional de Fisioterapia (

10- Congresso Reatech 2024

O Congresso Reatech 2024 visa apresentar Políticas, Ações e Métodos da Inclusão, Acessibilidade e Reabilitação no Mercado Corporativo. O encontro vai expor e debater as transformações e melhores práticas que o mercado passa em sua Cultura e regramento e, por consequência, em suas estruturas culturais, físicas e digitais para atender a diversidades, deficiências e promover a igualdade social.

Informações: Congresso Reatech | Inclusão e Acessibilidade no Mercado de Trabalho (

11 – Hospitalar 2024

Nosso encontro no principal evento de saúde da América Latina, acontece entre os dias 21 a 24 de maio de 2024.  

Com foco em fortalecer as relações de networking e impulsionar oportunidades de negócios para nossos participantes, a partir deste ano, implementamos uma taxa de acesso para os visitantes.

Informações: HOME | Hospitalar 2024

12- ISPRM2025:PRM | Challenges & Future Prospects


Dear Colleagues,

Under the patronage of the Royal Highness His Majesty King Abdullah II ibn Al Hussein and on behalf of the Organizing Committee, I welcome all the Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation professionals to this signature event “The 19th World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine” ISPRM JORDAN 2025 from 19th to 22nd of May 2025 in the Dead Sea, Jordan.

Building on the success of the previous congress, the theme for 2025 is “PRM Challenges and Future Prospects” and I look forward to learning the updates from the international faculties on these topics and everything else that is presented.
We are indeed in a time of great innovation in the Medical Field, so come and enjoy the breakthrough technology in the field of PRM.

We are looking forward to an excellent congress with pioneers in different subspecialties and from different countries around the world and sharing new and exciting updates in the field of PRM.

The program has already been shaped up to be excellent, and the networking opportunities will be indeed outstanding. The backdrop of the Lowest Point on Earth with the Highest Level of Wellness & Healing which has pleasant weather in the month of May will add to the pleasure of the congress and provide lasting memories beyond the science.

We share with pride our Youth PRM team who are the future of ISPRM actively participating in this congress. We welcome new ideas suggestions and innovation. Come join us and let’s create a new world together!

Dr. Khalil Abbadi
Congress President


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