Hospital das Clínicas
Primeira Instituição no Brasil Acreditada - Carf


ICF-StARS – by The International Spinal Cord Society

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We are pleased to send you the following information regarding the repetition of the online course “ICF-StARS” in the spring semester of 2024. The course has been developed by Swiss Paraplegic Research and the University of Lucerne and is freely available (at no cost for participating) under:

Course objective: 

The course provides the basics for understanding functioning and its reporting in a standardized manner by using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF).

Target group:
The course is aimed at interested people who work with functioning data (assessment and reporting), including healthcare professionals, researchers, students, quality managers and other professionals in the health system. 

When: April 8th – May 12th, 2024 (online)
Mode: Self-study with flexible attendance
Workload: 30 hours in total (equivalent to 1 ECTS)
Language: English

Please sign in via the official website. People without Swiss university credentials have to create a Switch edu-ID before they can enrol in the course:

Funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation within the framework of the National Research Programme 74 “Smarter Health Care”, the course introduces the concept of functioning and its importance in the health system. Moreover, it gives an overview of Standardized Assessment and Reporting Systems for functioning information (StARS) based on the ICF. The course includes the introduction of a set of standards, tools and methods to assess and report information on functioning as well as the presentation of exemplary applications in practice and research.

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